Annual Genral Meeting and High Points Presentation
Dear NSWRA member
Further to notice given by email, and on Facebook, we now formally give notice of the New South Wales Reining Horse Association Inc Annual General Meeting, hereby convened for Sunday 27th October 2024.
Attached are:
Formal Notice and Agenda.
Nomination form for Executive Committee
Proxy form
Notice of Motion form.
We extend an enthusiastic and heartfelt invitation for you to attend the NSWRHA AGM and our High Points Presentation at Camden Valley Inn
All Executive Committee positions will be vacated, namely:
Vice president
Please note with our thanks that Oliver Reinhardt, Kiersten Zaric, Katie Munro, and Francine Hill have each resigned as President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. They will not be standing for those roles this year.
Dean Robinson resigned in writing from this position as Vice President in June 2024.
Matt Charles resigned from his position as Oceania Representative, this was taken over by Oliver Reinhardt during the 2024 year.
We require interest in members taking on these and other roles, and mentoring and support is available.
It is your club and with that in mind we invite all members to consider taking a leadership or service role within the club. The club also needs general committee personnel to assist at shows and to assist and support the Executive. Please feel free to join in – and encourage and support those that may seek appointment.
If you want to turn your hand to guiding the club and membership through a fun filled and busy 2024, then please ensure to get your nominations in.
A reminder that only financial 2024 members are eligible to vote at the AGM.
Happy Reining!
See you at the shows and at the AGM on 27th October 2024